Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Lessons Learned and Reaffirmed.

2013 has been an amazing year, so amazing that I'm actually kind of sad to see it go. Below in no particular order are 13 lessons I learned or that were reaffirmed to me over the course of the past 365 days.

1. Marriage is amazing when you marry your best friend.

2. 30 is awesome!

3. Getting to a point where you don't care what people think is the most liberating feeling in the world.

4. Friends that are more like family are absolutely priceless!

5. Life's much better when you really enjoy your job.

6. Destination weddings are the way to go! So...who is getting married so I can plan a trip!

7. I'm pretty closed off compared to a lot of people about my personal life, especially in professional settings. Personal business is personal business! I guess some people don't get that, but please refer back to number 3.  I mean honestly several people had no idea Josh and I were dating until we came back from summer vacation married. I just don't share my life like that!

8. Health is a top priority and diet can change everything! Take that, high cholesterol!

9. It is best to close your ears off to people who just want to complain. Mini vent sessions are one thing, but if you only have something negative to say every time we speak, don't be surprised if I no longer have words or an ear for you.

10. Self reflection is a powerful tool.

11. Happiness is a choice!

12. So much in life is about who you know and how willing you are to put your self out there and meet people.

13. No matter how old you are or where you are it is all about whose you are.