Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Traveling Tuesdays: Road Trip with the Pooch

Team Brinkman, yes including the dog, recently returned from a brief road trip to Ohio. This was a source of some anxiety for me, because Jordan has never really done well in the car. He's typically only good for a fifteen minute trip before he feels the need to vomit, so I was really apprehensive about the 18 hour trip from Texas to Ohio.

Initially the plan was to board him, but we did not want to commit to a specific timetable of being out of town and my mother (his usual sitter) was going to be making the trip to Ohio as well. Once we made the decision that Jordan was going to make the trek, I did a little research online, spoke to his vet and a friend of mine who owns a top notch boarding facility to get some recommendations.

The vet suggested that he be given Benadryl as a means to calm him for the trip. It would have to be administered at least an hour before getting into the vehicle. Now, I'm not big on drugs for myself and I certainly am not big on them for my dog either, so I continued to look and ask around for other options. I did purchase the Benadryl just in case, and we did use a small amount (smaller than what the doctor said to use) at the beginning of the trip.  Personally I did not like the drugged up look Jordan had and we did not give him any more for the rest of the trip.

The other items purchased to comfort him were:

1. The Thunder Shirt: I've seen these in various places and asked around to see if people really recommended it. Hefty price tag, but it came with a pretty easy return policy so I figured why not give it a shot. In my opinion, this saved the trip! He was exceptionally calm in the car wearing his Thunder Shirt.

"I make the thunder shirt look good." ~Jordan

2. Calming Spray- This spray has pheromones in it that you are supposed to spray immediately before the dog enters the vehicle. Not sure how much this had to do with his calmness, but the combination of everything seemed to work perfectly.

3. Seat Belt Harness: We didn't use it for this trip, but will use it for short car trips in the future.

4. Pop Up Kennel: This kennel folds down to a flat circle and can be strapped in to the seats in the car making it very functional and convenient. Jordan is a bit of a big baby, so he didn't particularly like the separation of this kennel from us in the back seat.
Not happy about the separation!

Million Dollar Question: Did Jordan get sick on the trip?

Yes, but only after driving for about 4 hours when he was forced to sit in the kennel while I ate in the front seat. I honestly think he worked himself up quite a bit with separation anxiety. Other than that he was perfectly fine. I can't say that one specific thing is what did it, because we used quite a few methods, but I can say the trip was a success. 

Jordan's Loot: Pictured are the items discussed above and a few dental products. I also made sure to bring a printout of his immunization records, just in case they were needed for an emergency situation. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Marriage Monday: Home Management Binder

So I am a little Type A. I enjoy things that are organized and thrive when I know what is going on. The Hubby and a previous job, that shall not be mentioned, have helped me in being able to go with the flow a little more, but old habits die hard!

As a result, as we begin this journey into married life I have invested in the creation of a Home Management Binder. The printables that are briefly discussed in the video come from Busy Babes.

To create the binder you can search for free printables as well on Pinterest and by searching on Google. I went with busy babes, because everything I wanted was already including, it was colorful and an instant download. I figured it was best not to reinvent the wheel, and I had a gift card that was about to expire that I hadn't used that covered the cost exactly!

The video is a brief overview and isn't really zoomed in, so if you have a question about something or want more in depth information let me know. I would be happy to post about it!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Silly Saturdays: Things That Made Me LOL

This is more me than I would like to admit. It is one of the primary reasons that I am creating a cleaning schedule for the house. This way we focus on a particular area on any given day. 

What can I say, I'm a newlywed, I love this! :-) 

Too funny!
This one can actually be purchased here.

 We can never really say summer is coming in Texas, most times it seems it never leaves! In a week when we have had heat advisories and a heat index of 109 I found this to be pretty funny and realistic!

I couldn't agree more! :-) 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Tasteful Thursday: The Mediterranean Diet

Let me preface this post by saying never judge a book by its cover. If you know me personally, you are probably thinking what the heck am I doing on a diet! Well... truth be told, although I can't seem to gain weight to save my life, my life needs saving because you can't hide from genetics. My body seems to have a serious cholesterol issue, so serious in fact that a doctor prescribed me pills. Now again, if you know me, you know I HATE drugs, so I'm on a by any means necessary mission to avoid the pills and get this cholesterol in check!

I was never the worst eater in America; I love my salads, fruit, water, etc. but I did eat out (and fast food) more than I should and I'm a Texas girl so I love beef! After doing some research I have settled on the Mediterranean Diet. Subconsciously part of choosing this plan might have come from my absolute adoration of this region of the world. I'm ready to pick everything up and move to Italy if anyone wants to sponsor the move! :-)

The Diet  for Beginners:
This information is based on one of my favorite sources so far in researching the Mediterranean Diet- Old Ways. The site has amazing resources, recipes, meal plans, shopping list, etc. It is my current go to place!

Plant Based Eating: The plan is all about grains, veggies and fruits. Emphasis is places on whole grains.

Olives and Olive Oil: Extra Virgin Olive Oil is best and should be the main source of dietary fat. I love EVOO, but I'm not a big fan of olives.

Nuts, Beans, Legumes and Seeds: These are the diets sources of protein, fiber and healthy fat. Not a favorite so far, but I'm working on it.

Herbs and Spices: You are able to use these liberally, which I love. I've had a great time mixing different herbs with veggies so far.

Cheese and Yogurt: In low and moderate amounts cheese and yogurt are included in the plan for calcium. I've never gotten on the yogurt train, but I'm trying.

Fish: Great source for omega-3 and a healthy protein option. The fish is not to be fried!

Eggs: Another protein source and to be used in baking.

Meats: Small portions, lean cuts and primarily poultry. Red meat is to be eaten 2 to 3 times a month and as lean as possible. You know I'm having trouble here!

Wine: Yes, wine is a part of the diet! It is to be consumed moderately- 5 ounce glass per day for women and up to two five ounce glasses for men. I've also read that it should be consumed with a meal.

Water: Drink plenty for proper hydration.

Portion Size: See pyramid. The bulk of the diet, and therefore your plate is plant based.

Moderation: The diets purpose is not to exclude things from your life. The key term is moderation so if you want to have a beer while hanging out with friends, or you're dying for a cupcake/ice cream, go for it, but in moderation.

Healthy Habits: Daily physical activity required. It doesn't have to all be strenuous, but do something!

Meals in the Company of Others: Enjoy food and life with those you love.

How it Breaks Down in Meals:

Difficulties thus far:
1. The hubby can't stand seafood. He hates the smell of it and definitely will not eat it. As a result, we will have separate meals two to three times a week as fish is a major component of this diet. A suggestion made by friends has been for me to get my fish meals from My Fit Foods. I haven't tried them yet, but I will take a stab at it when school starts.

2. Its amazing the stuff they put in food! I'm trying to go with a if I cannot pronounce it then I'm not buying it philosophy and SO many things are being put back on the shelf at the store!

This was one of my first meals on the diet. It was grilled chicken with pico and feta, brown rice and garlic and basil sauteed veggies. 

For many Tasteful Thursdays to come, be prepared to see more on the Mediterranean Diet. So far I'm enjoying it.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Silly Saturdays: This Week in Quotes

Here are a few of the quotes I loved from this week!

It is so funny how as young kids we all wanted to rush through life and as adults we all just want to go back! This one made me think about a funny quote I pinned a long time ago and have said to my students since the day I saw it...
 Probably one of the most truthful statements I have ever seen!

First and foremost, I absolutely love The Golden Girls! Guaranteed laughs from these women. One of the many things I learned from watching them over the years is that dessert can solve almost anything. :-) 

This is a bit of a new mantra for me, as I have embarked on a new diet. I'm not one for fads by any stretch of the imagination, but this is necessary switch and I am now trying my hardest to follow the Mediterranean Diet. I will post more about it at a later date, but this quote is something I may need to print out as a comical reminder  of what can be consumed. 

Teacher Time Out: Erin Condren Teacher Planner

It feels like Christmas!

Yesterday, my Erin Condren Teacher and Life Planners arrived in the mail. First and foremost the presentation of the products is almost enough to make you leave the box closed! Talk about beautiful packaging!!

You can see an overview of the teacher planner below:

(The video is a little shaky, its my first attempt at this and my first time using the flip video camera.)

The possibilities with this planner are endless for teachers at all levels, but in all honesty it is probably better suited for elementary teachers and home schoolers. If you are an upper level teacher with multiple preps, this planner would work very well for you too!

The planners are $59 and up, depending on what you decide to add on. You can personalize your cover, add pre-printed stickers, sheet protectors, checklist pages, a pen holder, personalized note pads, etc. Truthfully this is more pricey than anything I have used in the past, however this planner is a one stop shop. I had a few items that I would purchase each year to do everything that this planner does in one! After the school year has moved into full swing I will post an update on how I use the planner. 

If you are interested in purchasing a planner, or any item for that matter, from Erin Condren and would like $10 off message me at teambrinkman62213@gmail.com. I received three $10 off coupons (EC really does love teachers) and there is no way I will use them before the expiration dates. The first three people to contact me will receive the coupon codes! Trust me the products are worth every penny! Visit Erin Condren to see how her products can help you organize your life. 

The Life Planner review will be posted soon as well.