Thursday, August 8, 2013

Tasteful Thursday: The Mediterranean Diet

Let me preface this post by saying never judge a book by its cover. If you know me personally, you are probably thinking what the heck am I doing on a diet! Well... truth be told, although I can't seem to gain weight to save my life, my life needs saving because you can't hide from genetics. My body seems to have a serious cholesterol issue, so serious in fact that a doctor prescribed me pills. Now again, if you know me, you know I HATE drugs, so I'm on a by any means necessary mission to avoid the pills and get this cholesterol in check!

I was never the worst eater in America; I love my salads, fruit, water, etc. but I did eat out (and fast food) more than I should and I'm a Texas girl so I love beef! After doing some research I have settled on the Mediterranean Diet. Subconsciously part of choosing this plan might have come from my absolute adoration of this region of the world. I'm ready to pick everything up and move to Italy if anyone wants to sponsor the move! :-)

The Diet  for Beginners:
This information is based on one of my favorite sources so far in researching the Mediterranean Diet- Old Ways. The site has amazing resources, recipes, meal plans, shopping list, etc. It is my current go to place!

Plant Based Eating: The plan is all about grains, veggies and fruits. Emphasis is places on whole grains.

Olives and Olive Oil: Extra Virgin Olive Oil is best and should be the main source of dietary fat. I love EVOO, but I'm not a big fan of olives.

Nuts, Beans, Legumes and Seeds: These are the diets sources of protein, fiber and healthy fat. Not a favorite so far, but I'm working on it.

Herbs and Spices: You are able to use these liberally, which I love. I've had a great time mixing different herbs with veggies so far.

Cheese and Yogurt: In low and moderate amounts cheese and yogurt are included in the plan for calcium. I've never gotten on the yogurt train, but I'm trying.

Fish: Great source for omega-3 and a healthy protein option. The fish is not to be fried!

Eggs: Another protein source and to be used in baking.

Meats: Small portions, lean cuts and primarily poultry. Red meat is to be eaten 2 to 3 times a month and as lean as possible. You know I'm having trouble here!

Wine: Yes, wine is a part of the diet! It is to be consumed moderately- 5 ounce glass per day for women and up to two five ounce glasses for men. I've also read that it should be consumed with a meal.

Water: Drink plenty for proper hydration.

Portion Size: See pyramid. The bulk of the diet, and therefore your plate is plant based.

Moderation: The diets purpose is not to exclude things from your life. The key term is moderation so if you want to have a beer while hanging out with friends, or you're dying for a cupcake/ice cream, go for it, but in moderation.

Healthy Habits: Daily physical activity required. It doesn't have to all be strenuous, but do something!

Meals in the Company of Others: Enjoy food and life with those you love.

How it Breaks Down in Meals:

Difficulties thus far:
1. The hubby can't stand seafood. He hates the smell of it and definitely will not eat it. As a result, we will have separate meals two to three times a week as fish is a major component of this diet. A suggestion made by friends has been for me to get my fish meals from My Fit Foods. I haven't tried them yet, but I will take a stab at it when school starts.

2. Its amazing the stuff they put in food! I'm trying to go with a if I cannot pronounce it then I'm not buying it philosophy and SO many things are being put back on the shelf at the store!

This was one of my first meals on the diet. It was grilled chicken with pico and feta, brown rice and garlic and basil sauteed veggies. 

For many Tasteful Thursdays to come, be prepared to see more on the Mediterranean Diet. So far I'm enjoying it.

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